Transition Horsham Community Allotment 2024

The Allotment Barbecue, Thursday, July 31st 2014.
.Working Parties 2024
- Working parties will resume in Spring 2025
If you are interested in joining the Allotment group, or for more information email us at:
December 2024
It’s time to put some of the allotment to bed by taking out the last of some crops and covering the main beds. There are still some things growing particularly in the raised beds – Leeks, Brussel Sprouts and Kale.
We have also been cleaning tools, sweeping up leaves and thinking about next year. As an experiment we've planted some winter salad in the greenhouse. We've picked the rest of the apples and found them good homes.
At the Unitarians garden, we have been clearing paths of leaves and brambles.
Hope you have a Happy Christmas! See you in the new year.

Summer 2024
We have planted Courgettes, Beans, Tomatoes, Sweetcorn, Sunflowers and Leeks. We have picked Mangetout, Sugar Snap, Beetroot, Sweet Peas, Rocket, Herbs, Garlic and Red Currants. We are about to harvest the first early potatoes. We’ve watered mainly the greenhouse and the polytunnel as the rain has helped us with the rest, however the rain also encouraged slugs which have eaten some of the beans but they have left some.
The pond has had newts & Dragonflies in. We have also done lots of weeding including an extra Saturday work party.
At the Unitarians Wildlife Garden we have had scaffolding up on by the buildings to do some work, however we have tidied up where we can and enjoyed eating wild strawberries . We are building a dead hedge and Rose has designed an excellent picture of the garden.

Early Spring 2024
It’s been a very wet autumn and winter. February saw double the normal rainfall and March has had more than the full monthly average rainfall in the first two weeks. We have repaired the shed windows and the greenhouse to keep the water out however the polytunnel was wrecked by the wind. We are now working out what we can make from it. We have also erected a tool store and Richard has kindly built some shelves in the shed. Thank you Richard.
We had a bumper crop of Parsnips and made Parsnip soup for the Sussex Green Hub volunteers . They said it was very tasty so we are putting the recipe on our website. We have also picked brussel sprouts, purple sprouting broccoli and rhubarb. We have had some Newts back in the pond and plants are beginning to grow.
At the Unitarian Church we are still pulling out brambles and maintaining the paths and pond. There is frogspawn. We are hoping for frogs.